
How-to Marie Kondo Your Walls

Don’t overlook a simple wall makeover. The minimalist movement sparked by Marie Kondo’s ‘less is more’ approach to tidying up is far from over. Driven by the constant question of, “does this bring me joy?” her followers are motivated to clear away things in their home that don’t light them up. Wall art and décor included. So, do your walls bring you joy? Check out how Framefox uses this KonMari method to help you declutter and transform your walls. 

Vision Your New-Look Home

Marie Kondo Minimalist wall art decor picture frame styling
Image credit: Instagram @mariekondo

Get thinking about what you would like your living spaces to express about you and your lifestyle. A plain wall can have shelves add, wall art, a gallery styled photo wall, or furniture added into a space to help offer extra storage or an extra avenue of expression. Framing your favourite art pieces, or updating old art with modern frames that match your interior can be a quick and easy way to breathe life into an old print or image. 

Order Your Walls 

Gallery wall picture frame wall photo walls gallery
Image credit: Instagram @mariekondo

Have a variety of photos or framed art pieces muddled throughout the house? Order them by creating your own home gallery wall. For the ultimate Marie Kondo experience update all the frames with new framing that sparks your joy! You can even go as far as to sort your image and art work out to matching colour palettes or themes. 

Children’s Artwork – Tidy Hack 

frame kids art drawing illustration picture framing frames
Image credit: Instagram @mariekondo

Putting your children’s artwork in pride-of-place is a must for any child self-esteem. What it might not help with is your sense of home zen as the vibrant crayon lines clash against your whole interior design theme. Eye twitch. A conflict of joy you could say! Never fear, Marie Kondo suggests making them ‘surprises’ and sticking them inside cupboard and pantry doors so they are still part of the family lifestyle but not making the walls or spaces feel cluttered. 

Workspace Walls

marie rondo your walls minimalist framing frames picture wall study
Image credit: Instagram @mariekondo

With more of us working from home more than ever it is important our workspaces don’t just spark joy, but also inspire us. By adding designs, quotes, or framed prints that motivate you, you can very quickly change the energy in a space to be more productive.